Do It Again

Do It Again

Psalm 130:5-6:

5I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,

    and in his word I put my hope.

6 I wait for the Lord

    more than watchmen wait for the morning,

    more than watchmen wait for the morning.

I used to work the night shift in a call centre where we would call up American business owners to sell them marketing packages.

It was a routine that took a lot of getting used to.

I remember, a few times, watching the sun come up just before going to bed.

I’ve always loved Psalm 130. It’s about the faithfulness of God. He is faithful in His love and mercy. When we stumble He is there to catch us.

Like many of us, I have faced a lot of situations in my life – but God has always been faithful. Even when I was not.

That time I was working the night shift was a very dark time in my life. There were a lot of things I was going through, a lot of things I wasn’t sure about – a lot of uncertainty and fear – a lot of anxiety and depression – but one thing was sure. The sun would rise in the morning. Daylight would come.

And time and time again I have come back to this verse – whenever fear or anxiety wants to whisper in my ear – I think of Psalm 130:6. 

“I wait for the Lord, more than watchmen wait for the morning.”

More than the night shift guard waits for the rising of the sun I await the coming of the Risen Son in my situation.

With that same sureness that His promises are faithful and true – with the same kind of sureness I will wait upon the Lord.

As sure as I am that the sun will rise and bring an end to the darkness of night – I am sure that Christ will shine upon my situation and bring and end to the darkness of my circumstances.

God does not change. (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8) – He is everlasting and unchanging. Alpha and Omega. He is the same God He was yesterday and will be the same God tomorrow. There is no shadow of turning with Him.

We used to sing “What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you…”

Just like He saved me from the abyss of depression and addiction, just like He saved me from sin – He will do it for you!

Just like He picked me up out of the miry clay of fear and insecurity – He will do it for you!

Just like He provides for me daily – He will do it for you!

He split the seas for Israel to cross through – He will do it for you!

Just like I have seen cancer healed and blind eyes opened – He will heal you!

He is still the God that makes Jericho walls fall down.

We just need to come to a place where we believe that He is who He says He is.

When I called out to Him on the floor of that jail cell He was faithful. He heard me. 

He hears you.

Lamentations 3:22-23: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Trust in Him today.

As sure as I am that the sun will come up tomorrow morning – I am sure that His love never fails.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your steadfast love. Thank You that Your love never fails and never lets go. I thank You lord for the blessed assurance that there is no shadow of turning with You. You are faithful and true. Therefore I will not be afraid – I will not fear or be anxious for anything – for as sure as I am that the sun will come up, I will wait upon You. Give me the strength and the wisdom to endure through the night and see the joy that comes in the morning. In Jesus name.


Jesus – Christ and High Priest

Jesus – Christ and High Priest

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word priest as one who officiates at the altar, or performs the rites of sacrifice; one who acts as a mediator between men and the divinity or the gods in any form of religion.

Central to the Israel’s culture at the time was worship in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple, and crucial to this worship was the priesthood – beginning with Aaron and His sons.

We find in the book of Hebrews a description of what the priesthood is, similar to that found in the dictionary – In Hebrews 5:1 we read that every high priest is taken from among men and ordained for things pertaining to God – so that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins!

We find that every priest is ordained specifically to have compassion for those who are ignorant or out of the way, because they are compassed with their own infirmity – they are chosen to lead the people because they share that common ground – they are bound together by their own infirmities, by sympathy for each other. The high priest knows sin, and he realizes that he is not that much different from his people. (Hebrews 5:2-3)

The word of God also states – regarding priesthood – that no man takes the honor of priesthood upon himself, but is called – just as Aaron was. (Hebrews 5:4)

We find thus that Aaron – also a very important figure to the Jews at the time – was a high priest ordained for things pertaining to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for the sins of his people, but also for himself. I think it safe to assume that he had compassion for his people, for those who were ignorant and out of the way, and realized that he himself was a sinner called by God.

Jesus – like Aaron was established by God as the High Priest for His people. God said – Thou art my Son, today have I begotten thee, and also it is said – Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.

Christ also, as the priestly function dictates – in the days of His flesh offered prayers and intercession for our sins and suffering – He offered strong crying and tears unto God – mighty to save from the bondage of death.

He was made perfect through suffering, and endured temptation – He bore our sins and iniquities, all our infirmities He took upon His shoulder. He tasted death for all mankind so that we could find in Him eternal life.

Through suffering He became perfect – being unblemished by the transgressions that had tore man from the arms of God.

In Hebrews 2:11: we read:

16For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.

David asks – who is man that You are mindful of him?

Christ took upon His shoulders the burdens of mankind, all our sins and all our disease – He took everything, and acted as mediator between man and God.

Coming in the likeness of sin, being made perfect through sufferings –through trial and tribulation – He acted as mediator between man and God – officiating at the altar, performing the only rite of true sacrifice – offering Himself for our sins, and not because we deserve His mercy or His grace, not because we are deserving in any way, but because of His unconditional compassion for the ignorant and out of the way.

Christ is our High Priest, after the order of Melchizedek, His priesthood being without beginning or end – His sacrifice eternally acceptable, He is our High Priest who has acted ONCE as intercessor between man and God.

Christ is our High Priest.