Ephesians 4:31-32: Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. 

The sad part is that sometimes we are too caught up in ourselves to recognize how bitter we actually are.

We cannot hear the Holy Spirit rightly if our ears are stopped with the cotton wool of a bruised ego, plugged with insecurity (feeling threatened) or filtered through and muffled by past rejection, resentment and hurt.

A lot of the time we feel angry, and we call it righteous indignation, but in reality we are throwing a tantrum because of our own feelings of inferiority – our own feelings of inadequacy and not feeling good enough.

The Lord says it is time to let go.

The least will have the highest place in His Kingdom. Be the bigger person – be less.

The Lord has a better plan for you.

And it starts with letting go of self.

So what if people don’t agree with you?

The only thing that really matters is whether YOU agree with God.

There is very little room for opinion and ego in the interpretation of the Word. God should have the last and final say in all things.

Don’t let your anger, bitterness or resentment fester – do not let your inability to forgive cause your Garden to rot.

So what if you were wrong? It is bound to happen at some point to ALL of us.

Only the fool despises correction (Proverbs 15:5).

It doesn’t matter if YOU were wrong or right. What matters is that GOD IS ALWAYS RIGHT.

And God wants you to forgive.

He wants you to let go of your rage and your fear and your insecurity. He wants us to let go of the little, petty feelings of an oversized ego.

He wants us to have a happier, more fulfilled life – and a part of that is letting go of these little foxes that spoil the Garden – not making them your pets but getting rid of them.

God wants to restore families and relationships. He wants to restore you – but it starts here. Repent of ego, renounce your pride.

Choose freedom. Choose forgiveness.

Shake off the shackles.

Choose the love of Christ today. Choose to live the love of Christ today.