Revival is coming!
A.D. Labuschagne is a passionate Prophetic and Apostolic Minister based in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is dedicated to fostering revival, championing reformation, and facilitating restoration within the community of faith.
“I firmly believe that what God has done for me, He can do for you! He took me from the grave of addiction and self-destruction, sin and shame – and He brought me back to life! He wants to show you His resurrection power too! I was dead, but now I am alive! Come out of your grave! Let us show the world that Jesus is life!”
Blogs by A.D. Labuschagne
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Revival: Our Work
The post Revival: Our Work appeared first on Kingdom Revolution.
Hear Now Little Sparrow
Behold the sparrow –trampled little sparrow –exhausted little sparrow –in the Father’s loving hand. Longing for the sky,with broken wing –still with song to sing –in the Father’s loving hand. Mercy and graceare foundin the bosomof El Shaddai The God who feeds the...
Skatte in die Hemel
Matteus 6:19-21:
(Sien ook: Luk. 12:33-34)
19“Moenie vir julle skatte op aarde bymekaarmaak waar mot en roes dit verniel en waar diewe inbreek en dit steel nie. 20Maak vir julle skatte in die hemel bymekaar, waar mot en roes dit nie verniel nie en waar diewe nie inbreek en dit steel nie. 21Waar jou skat is, daar sal jou hart ook wees.”
Waar maak jy jou skatte bymekaar? Waar lê jou prioriteite vandag?
Het die Here vandag die hoogste plek in jou lewe?
Wat meen dit om die Koningkryk eerste te soek?
The Creative Life: A Prophetic Calling
Your art is your calling.
It is a prophetic calling.
Embrace your call today.
Renovation of the Heart
Change can be painful – but God is faithful. Don’t give up. Push through. A better life is waiting!
Woke versus Waking Up
I tried being WOKE but chose to wake up instead.
1 Corinthians 13:11: When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
I had to repent.
I had to grow up. I had to wake up.